Digital share of sales

The digital share of sales describes the share of a company’s total sales, excluding internal service companies.

What’s it all about?

  • What does digital share of sales mean?

The digital share of sales describes the share of total sales, excluding internal service companies. METRO considers digital sales to be transactions where customers place orders via digital media, without direct interaction, that can be processed automatically. The digital share of sales is a key figure that METRO uses to evaluate and monitor the progress of the sCore strategy.

menue: clever pricing for more turnover

Increasing sales through smart pricing

Price management expert Mark Friesen on how restaurateurs can boost profits with the right price psychology – an interview with METRO’s magazine, MPULSE.

Restaurateurs who consider the psychology of how they price their food can tap into their sales potential to a greater extent. How does that work? Dr Mark Friesen, an expert in price management, offers some tips.