The Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) are based on a group of indices that rate companies by economic, ecological and social criteria.
What’s it all about?
- What are the DJSI?
- What criteria do the DJSI contain?
What are the DJSI?
The Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) are based on a group of indices that rate companies by economic, ecological and social criteria. The group of indices is subdivided geographically into global (DJSI World), European (DJSI STOXX) and North Ameria (DJSI North America). Companies that best fulfil the criteria are listed in the DJSI.
DJSI criteria
The DJSI are subdivided into general and sector-specific criteria. The general criteria contain three dimensions with different features:
1. economic: corporate management, risk and crisis management and code of conduct/anti-corruption rules
2. ecological: environmental reporting
3. social: employee policy, recruitment, working conditions, corporate citizenship and much more.
👉 Comprehensive measures are required to ensure fulfilment of sustainability criteria. METRO’s Zero Emission Store shows how METRO implements the sustainability requirements it sets itself. 👉 MPULSE