ON TRACK - from the fjord to the wholesale store

From the origin of METRO Chef Bömlo salmon to the customer for whom DISH POS makes everyday life in the catering trade easier: the new MPULSE provides insights behind the scenes - and shows how METRO is ON TRACK with the sCore strategy.

Cover MPULSE Magazine 04/2023
New MPULSE Magazine 04/2023 👉 Download PDF
Cover MPULSE Magazine 04/2023

What´s it all about?

  • News from the METRO world
  • Our heart beats for wholesale
  • On the trail of METRO Chef Bömlo salmon
  • Tips from professionals for professionals
  • and much more ...

Fancy a trip to Norway? Then open the new MPULSE or watch the video feature 🎬 here. Find out where the METRO Chef Bömlo salmon hatches from the egg - and how its journey is fully traceable all the way to the local METRO wholesale store. This is made possible by the METRO Pro Trace app. Just one of many digital solutions made by METRO. Always with an eye on our professional customers. Like Justin Lutke Veldhuis, manager of the KIR Diner x Bar in Borne, the Netherlands. He has been using our cloud-based POS system since 2021, which has been available in Germany as DISH POS since this year. "The system gives him much more peace of mind," enthuses Justin. ( More insights here.)

Information, background and tips - from professionals for professionals

The new MPULSE is published in line with the annual report and its motto: ON TRACK. CEO Steffen Greubel shows how we are on track with our sCore strategy in the online annual report in short videos. Further information, background stories and tips can be found in the magazine: for example, the quality guarantee on the METRO online marketplace, our delivery services with Johan i Hallen & Bergfalk (JHB) and R Express, graduated prices and trader offers in Eastern Europe. The advantages of multichannel and everything METRO has to offer are also summarised in a compact flyer - practically foldable in pocket size.

Also practical: the professional tips from our Erfurt colleague Daniela Raabe. The in-store customer manager reveals how customers can save money, time and staff. Our exclusive MPULSE columnist Max Strohe - star chef and Federal Order of Merit recipient - explains what buffets have in common with urban canyons. And did you know which fruit was the first to be eaten on the moon? The answer can also be found in the new issue. 😉Incidentally, MPULSE and the METRO Annual Report recently won another award! 🥳 (Find out more at here.)

MPULSE - the storytelling platform from METRO

The MPULSE magazine is available in print, as a PDF at www.mpulse.de/downloads and much more content online at www.mpulse.de. Do you need MPULSE magazines or content? Or do you have exciting stories in store? Get in touch with us via mpulse@metro.de or take a look at our social media channels: www.instagram.com/metro_mpulse and www.facebook.com/mpulse.

Have fun reading, watching and browsing!

Cover Max Strohe - MPULSE Magazine 01-2023

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Avocados always come from overseas? Wrong, as a visit to southern Spain shows. And in a culinary empire, does the family fall by the wayside? Also nonsense – as celebrity chef Haya Molcho proves. Read more about this and many other topics in the new MPULSE.

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Creating something special - without "luxury products". This is demonstrated by star chef Sven Elverfeld and the owners of Restaurant Byliny. The new MPULSE with a look behind the gastronomic scenes.

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