Mr Hartmann, Mr Schellkes, do you still remember your first Gourmet Festival?
Hartmann: Of course! I can still see the beginnings back in 2010. It was 16 degrees outside, with heavy rain and 60 exhibitors. Conditions were anything but ideal.
Schellkes: True, but the next day was much better. And it finished really well – you just can’t go wrong with good food and good drinks.
Hartmann: It showed us that, despite poor conditions, people want to visit this kind of festival. Also, there had never been a festival like this in or around Düsseldorf at that time. Yet Düsseldorf is predestined to be place to enjoy good food and delicious wine in a great atmosphere.
Schellkes: The following year, we were able to move to the Kö, the Königsallee, which was lucky. Starting there with 80 exhibitors was still quite modest. But each year, we were able to attract more stallholders with our concept. At the same time, interest among the general public kept growing and today, Gourmet Festival is firmly established on the city’s events calendar. In 2019, we celebrated the largest festival to date with well over 200 exhibitors.