Since then, this day has been an annual opportunity to address diverse issues: better education for girls, equal pay for equal work, and ending oppression and violence against women and girls. Even now, in 2022, the fight for women’s rights is not over. Gender equality is still an issue across the globe. And this day draws attention to these problems.
The theme for International Women’s Day 2022 is “break the bias”. It’s all about promoting equality by breaking down the stereotypes and prejudices we all still have in our heads.
Germany’s gender quota legislation was updated in 2015. This law mandates a quota of at least 30% women on the supervisory boards of publicly traded companies in Germany, applying to new appointees joining boards as of 2016. In 2021, the Second Leadership Positions Act came into force. It contains binding requirements for the economy. If the executive board of a listed company with equal co-determination has more than three members, it must in future be composed of at least one woman and at least one man.
METRO also pursues the goal of raising the share of women in leadership roles: 25% of positions in the first tier below the top management level and 40% of positions in the second tier are to be held by women in 2025.
METRO is working equally diligently toward the target it has set itself of filling 30% of leadership roles worldwide at METRO Wholesale with women.
What does that look like in the real world? We present 5 store managers who are pursuing their careers while striking a balance between work and family. They illustrate that at METRO, we are taking action to promote gender equality.