Hilário Castro says MAKRO has been his main supplier ‘since day one’ – for fresh produce like vegetables, fish and meat, for staples like olive oil and for kitchen utensils like pots and pans. ‘In fact, for everything we need.’ It means that he is in constant communication with his customer manager, José Homem. They conduct their price negotiations where the restaurant owner spends his working day: at the tables in front of the Alfaia restaurant. The restaurant opened in 1880, making it one of the oldest in Lisbon, and is situated in the heart of Bairro Alto, the Portuguese capital’s bohemian neighbourhood. While passers-by graze on petiscos, the Portuguese answer to tapas, or take photos of the colourful, tiled houses typical of the area, Homem and Castro discuss the next delivery. They always meet here in the narrow streets on a Tuesday afternoon; and the delivery van trundles over the cobbles once a fortnight on a Wednesday. At least 3 times a week, a member of staff or the boss himself goes shopping at MAKRO – there are some things that they like to select themselves. Octopus, for instance. Specially prepared octopus is one of Castro’s specialities. For Polvo à Lagareiro, the octopus is boiled, grilled and then cooked in the oven in olive oil and garlic. Castro, a trained hotel and restaurant specialist, sometimes wields a wooden spoon himself to prepare this dish.