Andreas, to ensure success in the restaurant and wholesale business, focusing on upcoming trends and innovation is key. How do you approach that and what are past lessons-learned?
Broadly, we live in the age of copious information. More sources, more facts, more opinions – information has become ubiquitous, dime-a-dozen, if you will. That’s why I find relationship building and trusted sources key to capturing quality insights. Who introduced me to a particular expert? How well does my source know the subject matter? Do they come from the industry, bringing deep insights rather than base knowledge?
While, say, “Mr. & Ms. Google” are a great no-cost way to tap into the first wave of trends and insights, I prefer adding direct expert conversations with individuals living and breathing the subject matter at hand.
These insider conversations often start relatively casually. Meeting at conferences, sharing knowledge prior or after a panel or roundtable. From that come new e-introductions, follow-up calls and insightful meetings. Many times, I see how others share very similar pain points with us. To learn more about how they try to solve for them gives us an edge.