Alina is best known for her raw vegan cakes, which she now also sells to end customers throughout Germany through the online platform Get Voilà. In addition to the cakes, the shop in Frankfurt supplies juices, sandwiches and salads, almost all of which are based 100 per cent on raw ingredients (naturally, quinoa is also cooked in some cases) but are definitely all vegan. Customers will also find a selection of off-the-shelf vegan products for purchase. But how does a raw vegan concept work and what is the target market?
What does raw vegan cuisine have to offer?
The Joolina Cakery is frequented by health-conscious customers who enjoy fresh vegan dishes that mostly consist of just three to five high-quality ingredients. Vegan, gluten-free and sugar-free. ‘Raw vegan is not to everyone’s taste,’ concedes Alina. However, she believes strongly in her concept, and her success proves her right. The 30-year-old points out that there are more than enough restaurants and bars offering animal-based and highly processed meals. ‘By using raw ingredients, we are retaining the vitamins, enzymes and mineral nutrients in the food. In addition, the dietary fibre they contain promotes a healthy gut, and the foods are free of additives or preservatives.’
Hygiene is important when dealing with raw vegan products because the foods are only partially heated or not heated at all. ‘Raw cakes, for instance, are not baked but are simply frozen. Since they are not exposed to heat, all the nutrients that the foods contain are preserved. Consequently, my kitchen contains a lot more refrigerators and freezers than ovens and cookers,’ laughs Alina Endemann.