METRO FAQ: Customers ask, METRO answers

Why do some prices fluctuate more than others? Why are products discontinued? And is convenience in the professional kitchen a contradiction? In ‘Hello METRO’, MPULSE explains what customers want to know.

Hello METRO  - new series on

One product is suddenly more expensive – but another one is cheaper than before. Why is that? Not only in view of inflation and rising energy prices, this is one of many topics that concern METRO customers. Whether product availability, new product packaging or changes in the METRO assortment: MPULSE explains what restaurateurs and traders want to know.

METRO FAQ: Answers to questions that move customers

‘Hello METRO’ explains strategic decisions in a comprehensible way – because METRO sees itself as a partner at the customer's side. Feedback plays an important role in this. Therefore the METRO FAQ: Customers ask, METRO answers.

Hello METRO -new series on

What is keeping the industry busy?

Customer asks, METRO answers: How do you know what keeps us busy?

Hello METRO  - new series on

Convenience in the professional kitchen?

Convenience in the professional kitchen? That doesn’t have to be a contradiction. MPULSE answers customer questions.

Hello METRO -new series on

Full shelves despite supply shortages?

Customer asks, METRO answers: How do you ensure the availability of goods? How do you react to supply shortages?

Hello METRO  - new series on

Packaging without frills - why?

Customer asks, METRO answers: Why are you changing your product packaging? What makes a packaging in wholesale?

Hello METRO  - new series on

Why do you remove products from the range?

Why do prices fluctuate? Why are products discontinued? MPULSE answers customer’s questions.

Prices are scanned from a can - Food wholesale

Why do some prices fluctuate so much?

Why do prices fluctuate? Why are products discontinued? MPULSE answers customer’s questions.

Hello METRO  - new series on

DISH POS relieves restaurateurs

Customer asks, METRO answers: how can I take orders and payments more quickly?

How METRO supports the HoReCa Industry. A glimpse into a restaurant kitchen

METRO's support for the hospitality industry

Customer asks, METRO answers: How are you supporting the hospitality industry?

Hello METRO  - new series on

Quality assurance for fresh fish?

Customer asks, METRO answers: How do you guarantee ultra-fresh fish? How do you maintain the cold chain?

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What questions about wholesale, products, supply or other METRO topics should MPULSE answer next? The editorial team looks forward to receiving your suggestions via!

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